Production Department is working to achieve the main vision of Ibrahimia Media Center - IMC.

We have to honor to introduce our production over a few years ago.

Documentary Films:

- 7abl 3’aseel Film ( Laundry’ Cord):  discuss Female genital mutilation
- Wafaa Film: ​discuss marital rape Women
- Utopia Film: ​discuss girls dreams
- Life’ calm Film: ​discuss marital dumber
- Athens Film: ​discuss the selection case
- Samah’s right: discuss the rape case
- El bou7 Film (revelation) : discuss girls dreams & internet
- Men’ nation: discuss rules’ unfairness for woman
- Cabinet telephone Film (Phone booth): discuss spinsterhood’ case
- 3arosty Film (Bride): discuss the arousal issue
- 7agaat Nadra Film (rare things): ​discuss the harassment issue
- A7lam Film: discuss the negligence of girls dreams from their parents (father, brother or husband)

Children Rights films: IMC has produced four films related to children’s rights project including lots of important, various subjects such as:

- Children’ Education
- Children’ Health
- Children’ Labour
- Children’ Streets

To shed some light and discuss children problems and paying attention to how to find a good fruitful solution to consolidate children rights’ concept.

- El-Kayala Film (sunburn): ​discuss the evidence of children’ homeless
- El-tarrek Elalashye2 (The way that nothing): ​discuss children education problems in Egypt
- Le3ba 3ala el tareek (The game on the road) ​discuss children’ labor issue
- Kamar sena3ye Film (Satellite): ​discuss cement’s factory problems in Wadie El Kamar houses
- Fatat el El masna3 Film (Girl’s factory): examine women fare harassment in factories with their own real experiences
- Acadmeyet el Amal Film (Academic Hope film): it brings light to children with their special needs, disabilities and requires a specialist for dealing with
- Four-fourteen service Film (4-14): this film highlight on the age between 4 & 14 years old pointed to their needs, thoughts and the way to help them, also a brief short about this service in the Middle East and East Asia
- 3arouset el ba7r Film (Mermaid): ​it’s about marital rape and violence against women for 50 minutes

To watch all the above films, please follow us on:
